International Development and Management of Global Affairs
Descrierea specializării
The Masters in International Development and Management of Global Affairs is addressed to those willing to be better equipped with academic expertise and professional skills for participating in the global space of international development. It also speaks to those interested in becoming development activists or simply better informed and more engaged global citizens.
In a multi-disciplinary context, the Masters in International Development and Management of Global Affairs explores social, political and economic transformations involved in international development. It examines key issues connected to globalization, inequality, poverty, gender relations, environmental degradation and other dimensions constitutive to development. Focusing on a global perspective, it offers to its students new professional opportunities for working in international organizations, NGO’s, private companies and local communities.
Traseul parcurs
Main subjects: Theories and strategies of international development; Development education; Culture and development; Macroeconomics; Diplomacy and global affairs; International organisations; Gender and development; Humanitarian assistance and development aid; Project management; Migration; Social development in regional context; Post-Colonial African Politics; The final semester is focused on Internship, thus ensuring students’ participation in practices of development and establishing stronger connection with potential employers.
Posibile ocupații
- cod COR 242207: agent de dezvoltare
- cod COR 242215: referent relații externe
- cod COR 242214: consilier afaceri europene
- cod COR 242229: consilier dezvoltare locală și regională
- cod COR 242230: expert în egalitate de șanse
- cod COR 242232: expert dezvoltare durabilă